The blockchain has widespread implications for many different businesses. It brings distributed ledgers anka decentralization to a world badly in need of it. One area that benefits immensely from blockchain adoption is domain anka hosting applications. The project known as nametoken is looking to take this world to the next step of an entire domain ecosystem.
THE FIRST DOMAIN ECOSYSTEMWhile many might not think about it on a day-to-day basis, the trading anka hosting of domains is an insanely lucrative business. If you want to start a business nowadays, you need to have a domain name that corresponds to your business. This creates a high demand for various domain names, anka higher demand means higher prices.
Ever heard of premium domains? These domains can go for ludicrous amounts of money. One famous example is which sold for US$35.6 million back in 2010.
nametoken is looking to invest in domain names anka grow the wealth of those domains. With its upcoming ICO, the project believes that it will help add value to an existing market anka sell domains for profit when the time comes. The team has over 20 years of experience in domain name investing, anka investors will get the opportunity to participate in that market with them.
nametoken will also provide a decentralized web hosting service that will be affordable yet redundant anka incredibly safe. Hosted files will be split, encrypted, anka published across the network to keep everything safe.
NAT tokens will live on the Ethereum blockchain, so we will also see utilization of smart contracts with this domain marketplace. Investors anka traders will be able to buy anka sell various domains, anka the transactions themselves will be backed up by smart contracts.
But that is not the only way to monetize a portfolio using nametoken. Investors anka traders will be able to earn nametokens for doing things like registering, parking, listing, buying, anka selling domain names.
THE ROADMAPIt is always good to see a project that has a roadmap. It all begins with nametoken’s ICO,
which is ongoing. After that comes to an end on September 30th, the team will acquire its first domain names in early October. From there, the development of the first application will take place in Q4 of this year, with beta-testing in Q1 of 2018 anka the live launch in Q2 of 2018. Maps like these are helpful in letting investors know what the plan is.
THE TOKEN AND THE ICO90% of the tokens will be distributed in the ICO, anka nametoken wants this to be a deflationary coin. It plans to use 50% of its profits to buy back anka burn tokens to raise the value of the coins themselves, while the other half will go into re-investment.
Tokens will also be used as an incentive to drive mobile marketplace usage. Unsold coins will be stored anka used as a reward vävnad for use in the marketplace.
Check out the project here:
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